9 de julho de 2011

Kitty (Christine) Lange Kielland - Summer Night

                                                                 Summer Night - 1886
                                                        National Gallery - Oslo - Norway

Kitty (Christine) Lange Kielland (1843-1914) was born in Stavanger, Norway, into an old-established, patrician family. She was the sister of the famous norway writter Alexander L. Kielland and their contact was important for both of them as artists. Since her young age Kitty was aware of her talent for painting but she was only able to embark on serious painting studies when she was over 30 due to prejudice, regarding women on a men's world, having been undoubtedly hindered by the chauvinistic attitudes of her time. She had decided she wanted to be a landscape painter. She travelled to Karlsruhe, in 1873, where she started her training, taking private lessons with professor Hans Gude (1825-1903), from whom she received a foundation in Realism that would perpetuate and influence throught all her career. Kitty worked hard, and was quick to make progress. In 1875 she moved to Munich, joining the Norwegian artists' colony there. During her time in Munich she painted open landscapes of a windswept and somber nature, with its huge skies, dark peat bogs and slow-moving streams. They became her favourite motif. Naturaly Kitty draw inspiration from the sceneries of her native Norway where she continued to go every Summer. She moved to Paris, in 1879, along with several other Norwegian artists. There she was influenced by the work of the landscape artist Léon Pelouse (1838-91) and her works became infused with a lighter and more romantic quality. Summer Night is one of her most evocative paintings from this period. It is a work of tranquility and reflection, with the still waters peppered with lillies and glowing with light of early evening. Appearing almost photographic in the clarity of form, Summer Night is clearly reminiscent of her early training, but it is infused with an athmosphere of nostalgia and gentle affection for Norway. Kielland’s art was important in the development of Realism in Norway, and she paved the way for successive female artists, both through her paintings and her active participation in the fight for women’s rights in the art' s world.
Source: Wikipedia, Tamsin Pickeral, net

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